Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Taking time off....

with so much going on this holiday season I have been too busy to continue posting....

however, I will begin again with new places and recipes starting in 2009....

see you then!

Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm On Facebook now

wow...took awhile, but i finally signed up for facebook.....

micah turnquist.......

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Restaurants - Indianapolis, In cont....

two more places that served pretty decent Thai food....not great, but decent....

Friday, December 12, 2008

Compassion on the Slopes

I had always heard of people not liking snowboarders because they act like they own the mountain, but in the past few times we have been skiing, it has become much more blatant to me. It DOES seem to be that MOST snowboarders are dumbasses who seem to care less about anyone else on the slopes. We have witnessed MANY collisions caused by snowboarders trying to do stupid stuff. At Keystone last week, a snowboarder hit a woman skiing, she screamed and fell and the guy kept going. At Vail we saw that happen twice. Sadly it is because most snowboarders tend to be younger Males who could give a shit about anyone but themselves; but PLEASE, can we get some Compassion for the other people on the slopes????? I know there are many nice and compassionate snowboarders, but sadly they are being overshadowed by assholes. If you are going to do some crazy stuff, do it in the Terrain Park or NON-Beginner slopes (I would actually go further and say don't do it on ANY Green or Blue slope). Let's try and be civil up there!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Compassion on the Road During a Snowstorm

slow down people and drive a steady speed!!!!.....in the snow it is better to drive 30 than 50 or 10.....too much braking causes issues.....more ranting later....

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Restaurants - Indianapolis, IN

In a place where I was not expecting much, I found one great place that definitely caters to vegetarians.

Thai Cafe is located at 1041 Broad Ripple Ave, in a small shopping center on the south side of Broad Ripple. It is a traditional Thai place, but makes sure that vegans have plenty to eat. I met the woman who ran the restaurant and when I said I was vegan, she told me ALL about the fact that all of their curries were vegan, their sauces could ALL be made vegan and they would substitute Tofu, Veggie Chicken, or Veggie Beef for most dishes. I also met her son, who was down from Chicago and he had some dishes already out, so when I was waiting for my food he let me sample some of it. Their Fried Tofu was excellent and he had the Red Curry with Veggie Chicken and it was really, really, really good. I had their Vegetarian Spring Rolls and they came in a pack of 6, so I had a couple with multiple dinners while in Indy. My dinner was awesome; their number 22, "Padd Prik Bal Horapa" (Choice of meat; I chose Veggie Chicken; garlic, onions, basil, carrots, ginger, green beans, and sliced chili peppers) and it was HOT, but really good. The people here were amazingly friendly and I highly recommend patronizing this restaurant!!!!! www.indythaicafe.com 317-722-1008

Monday, December 8, 2008

Back from Indy...

wow....a long trip has finally come to an end....I will post more about Indianapolis shortly...
however, Indianapolis might very well be the LEAST vegetarian friendly city in the country...