Friday, December 12, 2008

Compassion on the Slopes

I had always heard of people not liking snowboarders because they act like they own the mountain, but in the past few times we have been skiing, it has become much more blatant to me. It DOES seem to be that MOST snowboarders are dumbasses who seem to care less about anyone else on the slopes. We have witnessed MANY collisions caused by snowboarders trying to do stupid stuff. At Keystone last week, a snowboarder hit a woman skiing, she screamed and fell and the guy kept going. At Vail we saw that happen twice. Sadly it is because most snowboarders tend to be younger Males who could give a shit about anyone but themselves; but PLEASE, can we get some Compassion for the other people on the slopes????? I know there are many nice and compassionate snowboarders, but sadly they are being overshadowed by assholes. If you are going to do some crazy stuff, do it in the Terrain Park or NON-Beginner slopes (I would actually go further and say don't do it on ANY Green or Blue slope). Let's try and be civil up there!!!

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