Do I have compassion for Obama? I am going with NO.
I believe that he ran on a course of Change and all he has done is more and more of "the same". It is almost worse than Bush because he pretended like he cared about issues such as Ending the War, Universal Health Care, Gay Marriage, and Progressive Action on Financial Institutions (read; more oversight), but has backtracked on everything. At least with Bush, we KNEW what he was about, even if we didn't like it.
Don't get me wrong, I LIKE Obama; which is more than I can say for Bush, Clinton, et al. But he has turned out to be no different; in the pockets of Insurance Companies and the like. Look at the current "Health Care Reform Bill", it really only gives power to the Insurance companies by mandating private citizens buy coverage from them. They get richer as we get screwed. The current bill sucks really bad and, in fact, is completely Uncompassionate to the vast majority of people who are without coverage currently. I am actually glad that the Republicans might win a 'victory' by defeating this bill. On the other hand though, the Republicans version of the bill was equally as appalling.
It is TIME for a change in the country. A REAL change, brought about by Citizens and Leaders who understand that Money and Power are not the be-all, end-all. Leaders who really want to help the disenfranchised, not say they do and go screw them over more by getting in bed with Wall Street or the Insurers. This cannot happen without a drastic change to our "Democracy". Both Repubs and Dems are part of the same system and feed off each other. Only when a viable 3rd alternative comes about will this country really begin to change itself back into a World Leader; right now we suck; Bill Maher was right, we live in a country of idiots.
If Obama really hopes to make headway given this imperfect system we call "Democracy", he needs to fight for what he has said for years were his main ideas; Fighting poverty (which will never happen until we have a REAL conversation about the economic disparities between Whites and Non-Whites, City versus Suburbs), Ending the War (which should have happened years ago), and Financial Reform (again, cannot happen when the head of the Fed used to work for AIG). Stand up and do what's right. Take a tip from Bush; he wanted to do something and then said "Fuck You" to anyone who disagreed, even if his poll numbers dropped.
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