Saturday, August 2, 2008

Mohandas K. Gandhi

"As the ideals of sacrifice and simplicity were becoming more and more realized, and the religious consciousness was becoming more and more quickened in my daily life, the passion for vegetarianism as a mission went on increasing."

"The sacrifice offered at the altar of vegetarianism was neither intentional nor expected. It was a virtue of necessity."

"The greatness of a Nation can be measured by its treatment of its animals"

We all know the greatness of the man who was known as Mahatma (merely a title, like Christ; not in itself a name), but few know his beliefs when it comes to eating and charity work. The first quote here was written by him just before his major spiritual awakening while in Germany. He recognized that it was a Virtue to cause little harm. He sought to bring relief from suffering to the poorest of India, but also included in that was India's and the World's animals. He felt by showing Compassion across the board people would attain a higher spiritual level and become one with Creation.

Mohandas Gandhi was very influential over me from the first time I read anything about him and his practices. He kept a copy of the Bhagavad Gita and the Sermon on the Mount at his bedside. Both books illustrate two different world views coming together with a singular message; "Bring Compassion to everything you do in this Life"

1 comment:

huckses said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! We'll follow with interest.