Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Vegan Shoes

I have just learned that Vegan rock stars 'Rise Against' have unveiled a new line of Vegan shoes through Vans Shoe Co. This is going to be great, since Vans were once my favorite shoe. I will post more details as I learn them.

As for current places to get Vegan shoes, Payless Shoe Source always has a good amount of 'Man Made' shoes for work, etc.. I suggest any of their brown or black work shoes; and they have no animal products at all. For sneakers, most New Balance shoes have no leather; Adidas has a number of non-leather shoes, as does Nike. is a great place. is another good place. is another one.

1 comment: for vegan shoes boots and belts said... do a nice line in Bouncing Boots and a wide range of other stuff