Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Compassion for the Poor....

I was at the gas station yesterday and a homeless man approached me. He asked for some change and I gave him a few quarters. He then proceeded to ask me for a cigarette. To which I said "no" and then told him I felt it was odd that someone who had no money for food would be smoking, since cigarettes are SOOO expensive. He replied "shut up, you have NO compassion for the homeless!" and walked away.

I took great offense to that since I have had a long history with trying to HELP the homeless. I have always felt that I was one of the few people out there who would argue that the homeless are NOT there by choice and that this country NEEDS compassion for them. This entire country has a bad image of the homeless and for this guy to say that TO ME made we really wonder whether or not most people are right.

more to come soon....

1 comment:

Dianna said...

this is what gets me about some homeless people. my parents have a friend who bought a homeless person(holding a sign) food from some fast food place and told him that he owns a company and would he like a job? the man told him NO! then there was a man who was holding a sign probably 5/7 days a week in NOVA (i forget what it said something like HOMELESS and HUNGRY) meanwhile he sits and listens to his walkman.-what??? it was seriously like his job to sit on that corner and accept money from people. makes me sick when there are people who really need assistance and arent just looking for a handout :(
anyways, interesting blog! :) Dianna