California banned Gay Marriage?....sounds to me like the compassionate side of Californians got lost on election day.....
One of the most compassionate things voters could have done was grant Gay Couples the ability to devote their lives to each other in front of their God. I disagree with most people about the rules of Marriage as it pertains to Public Life. While it is true that Marriage is a Religious Institution, it has become a Secular Institution over the years and laws that govern Secular Institutions should take over. Gays being allowed to marry will also NOT desecrate the Institution of Marriage, like most Christians like to say. 55% of all Marriages currently end in divorce anyway, so 55% of Heterosexual people are desecrating the Institution already. Christians have always been good at scaring people into accepting things, especially when talking about Gays. The fact is, under the US Constitution, Gays should be allowed to marry. Marriage is allowed by THE STATE, so should the Constitution rule instead of the Bible? Hello Seperation of Church and State! The most used argument from the Christians is that "Marriage is between a Man and a Woman". However, the argument falls flat once Marriage became a Secular Institution as well. Also, the argument that it will defame Marriage as we know it is totally false. Where were the traditionalists when The Bachelor started? Is not going on TV to find Marriage against the tenets of Traditional Marriage? Why was there not some HUGE outcry from the Christians about it? In fact, some Christian groups have said they accept The Bachelor and other shows like it on TV.
The US Constitution guarantees Rights to ALL. If specific Religions want to exclude Gays from their Marriage, then fine. However, this should NOT have anything to do with a Secular Marriage, guaranteed under our Constitution.
Californians showed their ability to vote on FEAR-based propaganda. If you're against Gay Marriage, DON'T MARRY A GAY PERSON!
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