Sunday, November 16, 2008

Rise Against.....

Went to see Rise Against last night and it was awesome. My only concern was that they were not political enough. (Actually that was Kelly's problem with the show) However, I think it is a good thing because it does not immediately turn people off; it actually brings people into their music by simply putting on a great Rock show instead of preaching. Their music is really thoughtful and socially responsible, but you could not tell from their live show; it was just kick ass heavy rock music. I am also very pleased to see the turnout for them; sold out first night and packed the second night. The message they bring is one in which ALL Americans should believe; Social Equality, Compassion for Animals, and Political Discourse. For anyone new to them, a good example would be their video for "Ready To Fall" which can be viewed on Youtube. Anyone who plays Guitar Hero already knows about "Prayer of the Refugee" which was on Guitar Hero 3 and "Re-Education Through Labor" which is on the new Guitar Hero World Tour. Some people might say that they have sold out and no longer listen to them because of the fact that they are MUCH more melodic now and significantly less screaming than their first 3 albums. I like the older material, but the newer stuff is much better. The message they try and present is much more palatable now and you can understand his singing, whereas before you could not understand much of what he was saying. I highly recommend their album "The Sufferer and the Witness", which is almost flawless. Also, their album "Siren Song of the Counterculture" is mostly good. Their NEW album "Appeal to Reason" is growing on me and I bet that it will be great in my eyes after a few more listens. Rise Against is a rock band that happens to be vegan, not the other way around; all vegans should find some comfort in the fact that there IS someone out there trying to push OUR point of view.
"We are the angry and the desperate
The hungry and the cold
We are the ones who kept quiet and always
Did what we were told
But we've been sweating while you slept some calm
In the safety of your home
We've been pulling out the nails that hold up
Everything you've known

Don't hold me up now
I can stand my own ground
I don't need your help now
You will let me down, down, down, down......"
-Prayer of the Refugee

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