Saturday, November 15, 2008

Compassion on the Road....

My brother Josh was in a bad car accident on Friday night. I was struck by how compassionate some of the people involved were, but also how UNcompassionate some of them were. It was a 3 car accident with one person completely at fault and 2 (Josh included) not at fault. The guy driving the other car 'not at fault' was unbelievably nice about it and actually was not injured; which was definitely lucky. He and Josh bonded, as did the Tow Truck driver and several passing cars. However, the car 'at fault' never once came over to ask if Josh and the other guy were OK and I feel that is terrible. The person driving that car was obviously not paying attention; even though that stretch of Arapahoe is known as a bad section. So, I ask for a greater sense of compassion while driving nowadays. Speed is not the issue, simply looking out for everyone else on the road is the key. Please take extra care when driving to have a 100% consistent view of what is occurring out there. If you are in an accident that involves injuries, PLEASE do the compassionate thing and find out if everyone is OK. The compassion shown by the passing motorists, the 'other' car, and the tow truck drivers gives me Hope for Humanity. The UNcompassion shown by the car at fault leaves me wondering if people really are compassionate at heart.

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