Monday, September 8, 2008

Compassion at Work....

well not at the Workplace...but at work in daily living...

Compassion for all starts with what you eat. By lowering one's footprint on the Earth by consuming less resources, one can begin to become empowered in all other facets of life. Vegetarianism is a clear choice for anyone worried about Climate Change (or whatever term They are using these days) or the suffering of sentient beings. It affects Climate Change because of the severely reduced emissions caused by producing vegetables and fruits versus the MASSIVE waste of producing animal products. It affects animals' and humans' suffering because more grain and vegetables can be diverted to help starving people and, obviously, less animals will be harmed. Life on this planet is intertwined and what you do for animals needs to equate to being compassionate towards humans. This is where traditional Veganism falls short for me. To do something only because it helps animals but not to understand its effect on humans is NOT to be compassionate. Compassion in this sense is more a Utilitarian philosophy (the greatest good for the greatest amount of Life).

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