Monday, September 29, 2008

Recipes- Pizza

Pizza dough is easy to make, but I always use the Bread Maker for this; so if you have a Bread Maker, use it to make the dough. Once the dough is made and rolled into the right size, bake the crust for 15-18 minutes at 375 to brown the crust. I brush the dough with olive oil prior to baking.

I top my pizza with Sauce, Onions, Green Peppers, Spinach (or Broccoli), some sort of Veggie Meat substitute (like veggie-pepperoni, or seitan), and Soy Cheese.

It is best to cook the pizza for longer than you think. I discovered that the best time was about 35 minutes at 375.

Try not to overload the pizza with toppings, but fill it out.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Mmm! You are making me hungry!