as an answer to andy's comment....yes, I LOVE spicy food....
I do feel that spiciness does help get rid of extraneous 'stuff', but I hesitate to use the term 'toxins'. I struggle with that term since it has become merely a label used to try and convince people they are toxic. Of course our world is full of bad substances, but to say that this food or that food will clean your body of said 'toxins'? Spiciness clears out mucus, some of which COULD be considered 'toxic'. Moreso I would say that spicy food tastes better.... :)
You passed the test! For some reason I switch off every time someone mentions 'toxins' or 'energy' in a health context.
My father (and Kelly's) uses an index for spiciness based on how quickly his glasses start to either slide down his nose, or, in severe cases, fog up.
But, the main point of my original comment was to suggest spicy pasta sauce. It's my fav! Maybe even a dish like 'tofu fra diablo'
I disagree with Andy. I once took a shot of hot-pepper-infused tequila when I was coming down with a cold, and it burned the toxins right out of me! The next day I was cured.
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