Many people have asked me about this year's election. Most have their minds made up and question me fervently for not having decided yet. I have always been against voting for someone "because the other guy sucks", but this year I might have to make a change. I am a longtime Progressive with Left-leaning views. However, I feel the MOST compassionate thing any politician could do is admit that the other guy MIGHT be right in some instances. This will not happen because our country is so engrained in our Two-Party system that no one can see that the best thing for all of us is for everyone to try and work together. I want a REAL third party to shake things up and make both the Republicrats and the Democans realize they are both out for themselves and not for the majority of us citizens. Compassion is NOT dirty politics; it is NOT telling everyone that 'the other guy' is less Patriotic; it is not bad mouthing your opponent and spreading lies about them. BOTH parties this year are guilty of all of that. Yes, Barack has lied about McCain; McCain has lied about Barack; Everyone seems to be lying about Palin and Hillary. All in all I do not see much of a difference since they are all pandering to their bases. Barack WAS a Progressive until he decided to run for the White House. McCain WAS a maverick until he got into bed with George Bush. Both are simply trying to put their party in power so they can do favors for their people. McCain will cut taxes on Rich people and pad his pocket with Oil money. Barack will cut taxes on the Middle Class (Supposedly), but ramp up insurance premiums to pay for his Universal Health Care (thus making HIS people happy). Barack's undoing with Progressives was his choice of Joe Biden as VP; Biden is "Washington" to the 10th degree and will not sell Independants on voting for Barack. Bob Barr, Libertarian candidate, is the only viable solution for me. He has not been fake, has not lied about his opponents, does not run smear campaigns, and will make the government leaner and more efficient. He does not have a REAL chance to win, but until people like me vote their conscience and not what they are being told to believe, NO ONE will ever beat the 2 parties. Someone PLEASE tell me why I am scolded each and every time I tell someone "I am unsure for who I am voting"? Barack is better than McCain, but by how much? At least McCain made a gutsy move by nominating Palin, whereas Barack went backwards with nominating Biden. I do find myself liking Barack as a person; he is articulate, intelligent, and hard workingl; so he is the better choice of the two.
Compassion gets lost once you breach the Politics subject. My question is WHY? This country NEEDS someone who is Compassionate (not the George Bush Fake-Compassionate Conservatism).
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